Thursday, 4 February 2010

CBT you can kiss my feet !

The hospital won't see me again for anothe test, and recommended I do CBT.

Here's the links i've found so far.
My anxiety test level was 4 and depession level was 6, overall 7.

The site offers free downloads, online feel better courses etc
Funny thing is, these bloody case book doctors can't just accept the fact when I start crying, waffle or get tongue tied and sometimes stuttter, or get annoyed it's with the sheer frustration of living with these sleep issues, stomach issues.

Some of the nurses at the new doctors surgery are quite patronising and ignorant to the fact, or maybe they're just making light conversation.

Yeah!, like making telling me the cold weather makes your tired and sleepy.

Tell me something I don't know wumin!

Doctor has said he can't give me 10mg ritalin until the specialist approves it. So for my next ' specialist ' meeting, I can present to them resources i've found and tried along with previous self management attempts.

Afterwards, if he's doesn't approve, then, i'm gonna say, sure that's fine.....can we then concentrate on the damage inflicted on my central nervous system, by the several years of having a B!12 defiency at 122 levels. ( and watch the twats face hit the floor )

When/if he dismisses that, I will offer myself to whatever trials are available, and ask if we could eliminate the possibility of brain damage / hypothalamic damage being a possible root cause to my sleep problems.

Then of course, I will use my imagination to visualise the patronising useless piece of shit eat my words and kiss my feet.

I am so sick of being treated as if i'm malingering, when there's evident results, and I will no longer be fobbed of because of politics. I've had enough!

books - Mind over mood: a cognitive therapy treatment manual for clients. D Greenberger and CA Padesky, published by Guilford.

Reinventing your life. JE Young and JS Klosko, published by Plume.

The feeling good handbook. DD Burns, published by Penguin.