Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Need for speed

After teasing me with normal functionality for two months on ritalin, I am contemplating buying some speed. I want to, only because I want to function.

I don't want to, because, it's not the answer.

So what is the answer ?

I don't want to act in anger.....and as the saying goes, you get further with sugar than vinegar.....

It's time to get the apple cider vinger oot!

I just dont know where to pour it ? :-(

non smoker fukwhit doctor and polictics

I had a run in with the doctor. Feb 14th approx...with OH with me...he refused me ritalin..stating controlled substances etc....reffered me to a specialist, he got an answer two weeks ago, and he refused referral and advised the doctor contact the sleep clinic.

So we're approaching the 4th week and the sleep clinic hasnt responded...yet the other one answered within two weeks!!!

He voiced he was in a difficult position, I expressed I understood that...but he has to understand, I have suffered for 20 yrs.

I asked him, " If I stop smoking, in 4 years time, will I still be classed as a smoker " he replied

" Then why am I still being classed as a speed user"!

I mentioned my B12 levels at 122 and that it's all evident my central nervous system is fucked, and that modafinal keeps the brain awake, it doesnt help me fire on all cyclinders physically. The 10mg ritalin twice daily gave me that.

My last appointment, I went alone. I wish I had taken OH with me.

Seen doctor clock me in the waiting room alone. He left his room and went somewhere before calling me in. Told me, still nothing, and went into disputes with him.

Demanded the receptionist find me someone in charge. fobbed off...maybe it's cost...maybe it's cause he's English and doesnt know the Scottish Legislation.....

WHAT!!! Are you shitting with me wumin!....the Blonde GP suggested I could have it once medical file arrived...I accepted it. THE GP doesn't have faith in his license to prescribe...BECAUSE OF FUKING POLITICS...THE BLAME GAME.

She said to go and get the sleep clinic last fobbed of letter I got from them. I wasted my time going home to get OH and hospital letter ( they already had a copy on file )brought it back to her with my laptop ( sleep recordings ) and my OH.

Vented more frustrations that the sleep clinic are being selective and fobbing me off, and that the study I had done does NOT reflect my activities 365 days a year!!!

Still,,, nothing he could do he says...except wait on the sleep specialist getting back.

While you all continue on with your lives......while I continue battling to find the energy to disputes these disputes.

Bunch of fucking bastards

Emma Parker Bowles

Quite frequently I am reminded that ‘ I was sleeping ‘ when this and that happened, when asking questions about world news etc to my partner, but last night’s episode was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Approaching bed time, whilst sat in an almost comatosed state ( head bopping ) watching Famous, Rich and Jobless on BBC1 on the 9th of march 2010, my partner and I were elaborating to my 17yr old daughter in discussing who Emma Parker Bowles was.

Elaborating further when our daughter asked about Camilla becoming Queen after
‘ The Queen ‘ dies….I was inputting into the discussion…that….the queen mother is quite a fair age and must be getting on now……

OH informs me she's dead. The Queen Mother is dead.

FUK, I never know to laugh or cry. I want to laugh, TO STOP ME FROM CRYING. I told my daughter about me taking speed, as I started to cry.

My 17yr old daughter summed up my frustrations I have been voicing for years, in a few sentences.
"if they done something about it, you would not have had to taken the speed to stay awake "
" can they not tell your not a muppet, going to abuse "
" Is the private doctor tests lab different to the NHS "
" Can you remember that time you nearly burned the house down "
I replied...."what one, there's been so many"
She continued to tell me about the burger incident in my old property 4 in a block....and I burst into tears. I had so many incidences in that property.

It was to this, then that I realised why I am having so many problems with the primary care health choices and the options I am suppose to receive.

I believe it’s a matter of professionals , behind closed doors, ….complaints regarding my sleep issues have been ongoing for the majority of my life…..lost education….shrugged off with depression tablets and told I had laxity of the ligaments and hyper mobility of the joints…..physiotherapist…..none of these doctors will actually diagnose me with remains probable! admitting there's an issue, they admit...that bitch doctor all those years liable for at least 10/15 years suffering. Maybe more, my sleep issues goes way back toafter child birth, and to my schooling.

My sleep issues has dominated my life. My bone pain and sore muscles have to. I am sick of being told I dream/sleep talk/walk because i'm anxious...i'm sick of being fobbed off....and today....after waking up at 5am dreaming.....THAT@S IT>>>I HAVE HAD ENOUGH

Time to stop googling answers.
Time to get angry
Time to get action

uk politics CBT, pharmaceutical

clinical Idiopathic Hypersomnolence

NON REM !!!!!
I'm loaded with it every night!

Persistent or periodic day-time drowsiness is an important cause of poor work, under- achievement, and social disaster. Somnolence may be associated with anxiety, ill-health, and poor or inadequate night-sleep, but also results from a group of sleep disorders including idiopathic hypersomnolence and sleep apnoea. Idiopathic hypersomnolence seems to be a genetic disorder of non-rapid-eye-movement sleep and is distinct from narcolepsy which is a disorder of rapid-eye-movement sleep. Day-time sleepiness in sleep apnoea is probably due to inadequate night sleep. The diagnosis of these disorders depends largely on the history. Treatment of hypersomnia with central stimulant drugs is often unsatisfactory, particularly in the elderly, and tracheostomy rather than medical treatment is sometimes essential in sleep apnoea.
University Department of Neurology, King's College Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry, London SE5, United Kingdon

more links googling sleep§ionID=6