Saturday 19 December 2009


Today, the new doctor gave me ritalin to try. Seaching google and the sleep forums on this medication, I found a few interesting links.

" I take about 50mg of Ritalin and also can't take anything else because I need something with a generic." one user posted.

I've not a clue of all this stuff. I'm still learning. But the ' something generic ' got me thinking. Call me dumb, call me blonde...I don't know what the difference is. So if I've studied it correctly, it's the cheaper version of the good stuff, that probably doesn't work as well as the patent version.

I was also googling xyrem and found this link.

Monday 14 December 2009

14th December 2009

Woke up 7.30am.
Fried egg roll. Using organic extra virgin olive oil.

9.30am tired. I've had my usual x2 200mg provigil. No supplements yet.
Just away to take them now.

I hate taking them. There's a lot. It's a full time job in itself, just keeping on top of this sleep disorder.

Doctors, hospital

Bloody hell. Changed doctors. Seen two.
Both, wouldn't discuss anything of the sort until my medical files arrived.

I sent the hospital a letter along with symptoms current and a tongue lashing for the serious lack of communication between them and the doctors.

June 2008, had my overnight study. At this time, I was already on x2 200mg of provigil from the neurologist/doctor. Hospital sent a letter to the doctor after my overnight sleep study, recommending I take x1 200mh provigil.

December 08/ Jan 09, disputed current x3 200 mg provigil was working. Doctor re-wrote to the hospital recommending giving me x2 200mg provigil.

So, I wrote to them myself. Stating their lack of communication.
The only thing is, because the pharmacist gave me a lecture stating provigil was not
licensed for more the 400mg, asking how long I had been given 600mg a day. I was dubious to state this is my letter to the hospital.

First of all, I didnt want to put my doctors back up. Secondly, it would be hearsay.
Although he was giving me x3 a day 200mg. The prescription stated two.
I certainly was NOT having some pencil pushing pr*i*c*k telling me I was lying, insinuating I had some sort of need for it.

That's the thing. I DO have a need. To be awake! Provigil gives me some wake time.
The brain is willing, but the body is not able. Previously sleeping 18 hours a day. With provigil, i'm sleeping between 10-14 hours a day. Pending previous night's activities.

Still fearful

With the excitement of getting the infrared sauna, and probably the belief that I will be all better soon, I pushed myself to hard, to fast, to soon.

I'm glad i've kept notes of what I was doing, and taking. I certainly need to refer back to it, as i'm hermitted again in the house, half zombified.

Now, from my recollections. I'm sure, I cut down on some of the pills/supplements I was taking. Good bacteria ( £10 for 40 tablets ), and the parasite cleanse tablet
( forgetful, and probably don't like to admit to myself that there maybe parasites lurking ). But, that's not going to help me get awake, so, am going back to taking them.